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Revision as of 07:36, 10 February 2014 by Danduin (Talk | contribs) (Categories)

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Miscellaneous Aliases


I have issues. I like things to be just so. My desk, has a keyboard, mouse, and a coaster on it (sometimes with a glass) and nothing else.

Aliases had always been a real annoyance for me, seeing them all in a big jumble with no real order to them had always been an issue. That is, until the creators granted us categories! Now we can sort our aliases however we like and there is endless variety. There is a darkside however; having too many categories. That is what this alias does for me. It provides a simple way for me to organise my aliases and keeps me to a predefined set of categories. Of course I am free to add more if I like.


asc                      Gives syntax and a list of the categories I have set up. 
asc {alias} {categoty}   Moves the alias to the specified category.
alias acc $ifarg: alias set category $1$ $2$ $else$ frimble This alias is used to move an alias into a predefined category;
frimble USAGE: asc <alias> <category>;frimble -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-;
frimble Acceptable categories are ;frimble Club_<clubname>;frimble Combat;frimble Communications;
frimble Crafts;frimble Faith;frimble Groups;frimble Guild;frimble Money;frimble Routes;frimble Shops;
frimble System;frimble Theft;frimble -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- $endif$

There should be no breaks in the commands, that's done so Wiki does not do something stupid with the formatting.

This looks complicated but it really is not. At it's core it is an alais to move other aliases into a category of your chosing. The command alone will give the syntax then list MY predefined categories (feel free to adjust those however you need them).